Internetting is a vlog series by Amanda Hess of The New York Times, about different experiences on the internet. The original video was also accompanied with a newspaper print article, and this project was to interpret the content into a web experience as a companion to the set. This UX is based on the topic of Online Mysticism.
With a Ouija board as the thematic element of this mystic internet experience, I recreated a Ouija board, along with illustrations of my "four corners" of this subject as a way to organize my content. I made a Ouija pointer as a menu icon that floats along the screen as the navigation tool to move you around to the different topics.
An assortment of screens from the mobile UX design above.
For the laptop/desktop version, I was able to utilize the more horizontal-based space to layout a more traditional Ouija board for the landing page. My illustrations of the categories of content make up the four corners of the board, acting as clickable links to those pages. The Ouija pointer acts as the mouse as the user scrolls through the content.
The Figma interactive prototype is embedded below so that you can experience the content firsthand.